Friday, October 7, 2016

Facebook Notification Not Appears on Blackberry Solutions

Facebook Notification Not Appears on Blackberry Solutions

One moment you may have experienced problems because there are no notices up on the Blackberry Facebook Notifications in simple language does not appear on the Blackberry. Though you have to install and activate the Facebook application for Blackberry. Still, when there is a Poke, message / messages or log in to Facebook Wall that you, not up notification on the Blackberry.

Some of the solutions of the problem does not appear in the Alert Facebook Blackberry include

  1. Make sure the email that you use on Facebook together with the email you use on the Blackberry, go to the email settings menu on your Blackberry and use the same email to the email on your Facebook.
  2. Log in to Facebook on your laptop or your computer, then click the [Settings] - [Account Settings] and then click the Notifications tab, give the checklist on all the options where you want a Facebook notification / notification to your email. There are lots of options presented, so wise in deciding what is important according to your needs. You just simply want to be any there in the Facebook Wall note or any notice to the Blackberry you just give the checklist on the Send Me a Message and Post on My Wall. 
  3. Final solution make sure that you have Log on Facebook for Blackberry application, check again lest ye not in a position to Logout and Login in your Facebook Application 

Available link for download