Friday, October 21, 2016

Free BlackBerry Themes Star Wars

Free BlackBerry Themes Star Wars

A few minutes ago, I ran some keywords through Google, and this is what I found (drum roll), Star Wars BlackBerry theme! Ok, thats not that special maybe, but, it is, if you have a blog about BlackBerry and happened to be a fans of that so-famous-its-almost-boring franchise by George Lucas. Especially when as a child, you spent 6 months of which mad of your parents because you are not a born-Skywalker.
The day I become a Star Wars fan was also the day I unconsciously become a geek, and this in turn lead me to BlackBerry, but thats another story.
Time goes on and then the prequel of the classic Star Wars hit the movie world, introducing the fiend yet cool Sith warrior, Darth Maul. And that was when I realized. IF I have to be a geek the rest of my life, I will be the one with a dark side. A Jedi is NOT that strong anyway...too many restrictions you cant even love...look at Darth Vader for instance...the asthmatic guy hes become is a direct result of his ability to love.
Ok. Nuff about Star Wars.
I found the free BlackBerry theme above in a site which specialized in providing free BlackBerry themes. The site is literally death since theres no update almost for one year now. So I guess its ok if I "borrow" their content.
via freebbthemes

Available link for download