Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Facebook Messenger Already Released Only For Windows 7 Users
Facebook Messenger Already Released Only For Windows 7 Users

Although some other messenger application could adopt such a conversation antarpengguna Facebook IM, Pidgin, Digsby, or Trillian, Facebook Messenger (FM) brought up as a complement to its chat functions are increasingly popular.
Not just to chat, FM can also be used to see the notification, friends request, to view status updates, like Facebook feature on its Web version. However, some of the functions contained on such web-based Facebook chat with multiple people, video calling, chat restrictions, and regulation setting, not included here.
Facebook itself will see to what extent the future development of this application. So there was the possibility of shortages can be displayed later. Meanwhile, the FM is only available on Windows 7 operating system.
Although still in experimental stages (trial), FM has been able to use and works fine. You are not wait to try it can download it by clicking the Download Here.
Later, the installation process is done online web-based installer. Fortunately, this application is small so it is not constrained for those who have limited internet connection.
When you first login, you will automatically be redirected to a web application and facebook. However, you can still use FM although it has been logged out of Facebook site.
Display this FM glance similar to IM, so users will not be confused with how to use it fairly easily.
Available link for download