Sunday, October 2, 2016

French labour dispute Protesters barricade key sites

French labour dispute Protesters barricade key sites

Strike action by unions at French oil refineries, nuclear power stations, ports and transport networks is leading to disruption across the country.
Workers create blockage outside a nuclear power plant in Nogent-sur-Marne on 26 May 2016 

PM Manuel Valls has again insisted that labour reforms at the heart of the dispute would not be withdrawn, but suggested they could be "modified".
Striking workers have blockaded motorways and bridges, as well as a nuclear submarine base in Normandy.
Nuclear power production has slowed, and fuel remains in short supply.
Flights to and from Paris, Nantes and Toulouse have been affected, and a rolling strike by train drivers is expected to further disrupt regional and commuter rail services.
The unions have also called for rallies in most major cities. 
CGT union members at nuclear power plants voted on Wednesday to join the strike, and the union said 16 of the countrys 19 power stations would be affected.
Nuclear power provides about 75% of the countrys electricity. Grid operator RTE said nuclear power capacity was being cut by at least four gigawatts, equivalent to 6% of the countrys total production capacity, on Thursday, Reuters news agency reports.
Six of Frances eight oil refineries have already been hit by strikes and barricades, as have major ports including Marseille and Le Havre.
Union members wear masks of French leaders at a protest at an industrial area in Vitrolles, near Marseille, on 26 May 2016 
Image caption Many union members are angry at the French governments imposition of labour reforms
As the union action ramped up on Thursday morning, Mr Valls indicated "there may still be changes, improvements" made to the labour reform laws.
But he rejected Finance Minister Michel Sapins suggestion that Article 2 of the bill could be rewritten. Article 2 gives individual companies the power to opt out of national obligations on labour protection if they need to - something the CGT union is fiercely opposed to.

Pumps running dry

The French Union of Petroleum Industries says a third of Frances 12,000 petrol stations are now running dry.
It said the government had begun using its strategic fuel reserves, which analysts say will last around four months.
Transport Minister Alain Vidalies said 40% of petrol stations around Paris are struggling to get fuel.
President Francois Hollande told ministers on Wednesday that "everything will be done to ensure the French people and the economy is supplied".
France is due to host the Euro 2016 championships in two weeks time.
The CGT and other unions were enraged by the governments decision to use a constitutional device allow its watered-down labour reforms to be made into law without parliamentary approval.
The government says the reforms, which make it easier for companies to hire and fire staff, are needed to bring down unemployment.

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