Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones updated to version 3 1 0 11 in BlackBerry Beta Zone

Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones updated to version 3 1 0 11 in BlackBerry Beta Zone

The following issues have been fixed and implemented in Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones version

  • Delete Prior Messages in Inbox leads to uncaught exception
  • Unable to views comments
  • With Wi-Fi only connection on BIS SN devices user should be able to view photos
  • Likes count incorrect in Likes list if launched from stagnant comment screen
  • Can not cancel selection via the back button
  • User photos mixed in FB message view
  • Group name appears in the group wall
  • Group Support : refresh of group wall is missing refresh animation
  • Bad error message when posting on a Group without permission
  • Groups are not translated in Hindi
  • Finnish -Some missed translations on the Groups pages
  • Accessibility: Status updates are not being read
  • WiLAN event is not being processed correctly when radio is low or changed
  • Removal of phone number request feature
  • Update help URLs for Facebook 3.1
  • Parser Error when I create comment with many returns between lines
  • Remove welcome notification and message
  • No ID for all the buttons in Facebook
  • GCM icons are cutoff on low res devices 
  •  Download the latest FaceBook for BlackBerry Beta

Available link for download